Category Archives: Sentencing

You Can’t Get Bailed Out of Jail If You Are a Danger to the Community
Conditions of bail are to be reasonable not punitive, and to ensure that an accused will appear for trial. A familiar plot point in TV shows and movies such as 25th Hour, starring Edward Norton, involves an arrested individual waiting in jail “to make bail”. Struggling family members draw on their savings, post collateral,… Read More »
Drunk driver faces sentencing for hitting disable man
Drunk drivers who injure pedestrians can spend a long, long time in jail. Depending on past arrests, blood-alcohol content, and the extent of the injuries incurred, drunk drivers can sometimes be sentenced to more than twenty years in jail for their crimes. That’s why someone who is arrested for DUI in Pittsburgh needs an… Read More »
Bond may be revoked for former Plum teacher
A slow drive past his alleged victim’s house just before Christmas could land a former Plum High School teacher back in jail. The Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office is looking to revoke the man’s bond after a neighbor said she saw him on the girl’s street. The 38-year-old man is awaiting trial on charges… Read More »
Sentencing for white collar crimes
News reports out of Pennsylvania show that white collar criminals may be less likely to serve time in jail after they are convicted. Several examples of this criminal law phenomenon have been cited in recent months, as three people have been arrested for theft from organizations during the past three years. One of the women was… Read More »
Different sentences for white collar crimes
News reports out of Pennsylvania show that white collar crimes offenders may be less likely to serve time in jail after they are convicted. Several examples of this criminal law phenomenon have been cited in recent months, as three people have been arrested for theft from organizations during the past three years. One of the… Read More »
Criminal defense and mandatory minimum sentencing
In a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court ruling, it was found that some of the mandatory minimum sentencing laws in the state aren’t constitutional. The PA Superior Court’s ruling in Commonwealth of PA v. Newman followed a recent United States Supreme Court decision in Alleyne v. United States. In that case, the U.S. Supreme Court… Read More »
Pittsburgh couple sentenced for white collar crimes
White collar crimes like mail fraud can lead to years in prison and hundreds of hours of community service if convicted. A couple from Larimer in Pittsburgh found that out the hard way on Monday when a judge found them guilty of mail fraud. They were arrested for running a multi-million dollar magazine subscription scam… Read More »
Sex crimes predator sentenced to decades
A 54-year-old Plymouth man has been sentenced to a significant criminal term after being convicted of sex crimes involving his son. The man, who was accused of endangering his child’s welfare by grooming him to be a sexual partner, will serve between 35 and a half and 71 years in state prison. The man’s wife, who… Read More »