Parole Officer’s Visit Leads To Arrest Of Two Housemates On Two Different Charges

Being out of prison on parole is a big improvement over being behind bars, and we Pennsylvanians should count our blessings; 16 states do not even have parole. When you are on parole, however, you are under at least as much scrutiny as people who are on probation. Not only can the judge tell you where to live and work and what hours you must be home, and not only do you have to attend frequent appointments with your parole officer, but your parole officer can visit you at home whenever he or she chooses. Sometimes parole officers even show up unannounced. Home visits from parole officers are a leading cause of criminal charges for parole violations, as well as a common reason that defendants get new charges. If you are being accused of violating the conditions of your parole, contact a Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer.
What Happens If Your Roommate’s Parole Officer Catches You Red-Handed?
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects against illegal search and seizure of private property. This means that, under most circumstances, law enforcement cannot enter your house without a warrant. When you are on parole, however, you are technically in prison, and you must accept visits from parole officers when they request to visit you. If your parole officer finds illegal items in your house, this can easily lead to criminal charges. If your roommate’s parole officer finds illegal items in the house you both share, this can mean legal trouble for both of you. In situations like these, you need a criminal defense lawyer.
In the News
After being released from prison on parole, Vernon Allan Daniels moved into a house on Ridge Avenue in Arnold with Marki Marie Seezox, who had her own set of legal problems. In March 2021, a court ordered her to stand trial in a felony drug possession case in Butler County, but she missed at least one court appearance. A judge issued a bench warrant for Seezox, 32, in December 2021. In March 2022, Daniels’s parole officer visited him at home, and during the visit, she found a money counter, suboxone strips, illegal prescription drugs, and stamp bags, some empty and some full. Some of the stamp bags were labeled “PlayStation,” while others bore the label “Super Gremlin.” Stamp bags are typically used to package heroin.
The parole officer called for backup, and both Daniels, 34, and Seezox were arrested and charged with drug possession with intent to deliver. Daniels told police that the drugs did not belong to Seezox, so the state dropped the possession with intent to deliver charges against her. The court set bond for Daniels at $25,000, but it later reduced the bond amount to $2,500.
Contact Gary E. Gerson About Parole Violation Cases
A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are being accused of a parole violation. Contact the law offices of Gary E. Gerson in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania about your case.