Pittsburgh Senior Gets Weapons Charges After Driving Dangerously

It is possible to get criminal charges for actions related to unloaded guns; not all gun crimes involve shooting. Sometimes the mere presence of a firearm is enough to result in criminal charges. Charges for unlawful possession of a firearm depend on context; you might be doing something that is perfectly legal in your home state, where you bought the gun, but illegal in Pennsylvania. As with any criminal charges, whether the allegations amount to a conviction depends on whether the prosecution can prove that the gun was present where and when they say this was, and whether this constitutes a violation of the law; the burden of proof is on the prosecution, so many defendants are able to win their cases by showing that the evidence to convict them is insufficient. If you are facing criminal charges for illegal possession of a firearm, contact a Pittsburgh weapons charge lawyer.
Where Is It Legal to Carry a Firearm in Pennsylvania
The right to own a firearm is not the right to bring it with you anywhere you choose; government entities and even private businesses can restrict the presence of firearms in certain places. Laws on carrying loaded weapons vary from one state to another, and almost everywhere, there is one set of rules regarding concealed weapons and another regarding open carry. Open carry means that at least part of the weapon is visible, such as if it is in a holster attached to your belt.
In Pennsylvania, open carry is legal for anyone who is at least 21 years old and is not disqualified from the right to open carry because of criminal history, immigration status, or mental health diagnosis. For concealed carry, though, you need a permit. Even with a permit, you are not allowed to carry a firearm in restricted areas such as courthouses, schools, federal buildings, airport terminals, and polling places.
In the News
One day in the summer of 2024, Voris Posset of Pittsburgh was driving on Interstate 86 with three loaded guns in his car. The police might not have found this out, except that he was driving the wrong way into oncoming traffic, and he narrowly missed hitting a police patrol car. After the police pulled him over, they found the weapons. Now Posset, 71, is facing charges for reckless endangerment, as well as for illegal carry of weapons. News reports did not say whether Posset owned the weapons legally.
In Pennsylvania, it is against the law to transport a loaded long gun in a motor vehicle. You may only transport loaded handguns in a car in Pennsylvania if you have a License to Carry Firearms (LCTF) issued in Pennsylvania, or an equivalent permit issued in another state.
Contact Gary E. Gerson About Criminal Defense Cases
A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are facing criminal charges related to unlawful carry of weapons. Contact the law offices of Gary E. Gerson in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania about your case.