Author Archives: Site Administrator

Swissvale Barber Arrested for Selling Drugs Just Outside Barbershop
Drug “busts” involving undercover police or detectives are a familiar plot development in current movies and television series. The movies and series are entertaining viewing because of the dramatic irony: the seller does not know the true identity of the buyer, and the audience is waiting for that critical moment when the truth becomes… Read More »

Plea Deal No Longer an Option for School Van Driver Charged with Sexually Assaulting Student
The Constitutions of both the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania guarantee a presumption of innocence to all persons accused of crimes and a corresponding mandate that the Commonwealth prove each and every element of an alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt before an accused can be convicted of that crime. Accused individuals… Read More »

Pleading Guilty Can Lead to a Reduced Sentence, Even for Very Serious Crimes
In the state courts of Pennsylvania, an overwhelming majority of criminal cases are resolved by negotiated plea agreement; and, in federal courts nationwide, only 3% of cases go to trial. There are many reasons why an accused would chose to avoid trial, including inability to pay for private counsel. Once of the main reasons… Read More »

Allison Park Doctor Charged with Fraud for Writing Unlawful Prescriptions for Opioids
The current opioid abuse epidemic has changed the public conversation about drug abuse and addiction. In the past, public opinion often attached blame on addicts for their drug-related problems or, alternatively, created an image of predatory drug dealers attempting to get young people “hooked on” drugs for financial gain. However, the focus of the… Read More »

Pennsylvania Courts Decide on a Case by Case Basis Whether to Try Teens Charged with Violent Crimes as Adults
Most teenagers are physically and emotionally immature; consequently, they commit foolish and sometimes criminal acts that they may have cause to regret. For that reason, and with a few clearly defined exceptions, including felonies associated with extremely violent crimes, firearms violations, drug trafficking or sex offenses, it is the underlying policy of the criminal… Read More »

Promoting Prostitution Is a Crime in Pennsylvania, but Just What Does It Entail?
When most people outside the legal profession hear the phrase “sex crimes,” they tend to think first of the most outrageous offenses such as rape or child molestation. Many arrests for sex-related offenses, however, involve charges that are substantially less violent such as promoting prostitution. Why is promoting prostitution classified as a crime? Because… Read More »

You Can’t Get Bailed Out of Jail If You Are a Danger to the Community
Conditions of bail are to be reasonable not punitive, and to ensure that an accused will appear for trial. A familiar plot point in TV shows and movies such as 25th Hour, starring Edward Norton, involves an arrested individual waiting in jail “to make bail”. Struggling family members draw on their savings, post collateral,… Read More »

Yes, It Is Still Possible to Get Arrested for Marijuana Possession in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has recently enacted statutes regarding medical marijuana (“cannabis”) usage and possession. However, unlike states such as Colorado, California or Washington, Pennsylvania’s new marijuana laws do not legalize or otherwise permit recreational users to smoke marijuana in “leaf” form regardless of an individual’s age. Case in point: in recent months, officers from a roving… Read More »

Pennsylvania Senate Attempts to Increase Penalties for Hazing
While not exclusively limited to young people and college students, hazing has recently come under scrutiny in both the media and the criminal justice system, especially when alcohol is involved. Unfortunately, this high risk behavior can result in catastrophic results, including serious bodily injuries and death. Consequently, many jurisdictions, including Pennsylvania, have passed laws… Read More »

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Ups the Ante Against Toll Scofflaws
The Pennsylvania Turnpike is both an iconic and unique highway within the Commonwealth. Traversing the width of Pennsylvania, from New Jersey to Ohio, the turnpike rolls through the heart of the state, providing motorists a picturesque travel route. Tolls are imposed to pay for maintenance and upkeep of the turnpike, in order to avoid… Read More »